def hello_world
puts 'Hello, world!'
9:00 AM - Start Time
Curriculum Review
I started my first day of bootcamp with anxiety and a shot of espresso.
As I logged on nervously, I wondered if I had squandered my last few days before bootcamp.
“Did I practice enough?” “Should I have read all the Ruby docs?” Why did I leave 2 labs incomplete on the PRE-WORK???
But as I read on, I saw that I had already finished 25% of Week 1!
“I didn’t even start yet!”
My hard work paid off during the PREWORK! I was ahead of the game! I started working through the lessons and labs! If I was already 25% done, I could knock out the whole week in a day!
12:30 PM - Lunch Break
Going through the labs and reviewing what I had already learned, I saw that this is going to be an intense workload. The first lessons are basically reiterating what we have learned during the prework and are preparing. But what I thought was going to be a cake-walk, it is not. I need a break to rest my eyes, refuel… coding can be grueling.
I am grateful, I had gone the extra mile during the PREWORK, but anxiously awaiting what is in store…
“Will I be able to handle the pace?”
4:00 PM - Coffee
Not so bad!!
I am getting in a nice flow. Going back on some things that was covered in the PREWORK, I was able to go and DRY up some of my code. I am already thinking of ways to become more effiecient and hopefully get more into the programming mindset. I definitely need to make a good plan and structure my time going into this to get the most I can out of bootcamp.
9:00 PM - Blog Time!
I am up to the Prime? Lab. I’ve spent too much time on it tonight, I know it’ll come to me easily in the morning.
It’s time to call it a night.
It was a great first day. I’m done with 70% of the weeks work. But I know that sometimes 10% of the work can take longer than the other 90! Time to do it all again tomorrow.
Excited for orientation tomorrow.
It is really time to change things.
“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” -Leo Tolstoy
PS. I want one of these stickers!